Firstly, l must let you know that the ending was not to bad, no suffering, Auntie died peacefully in her sleep whilst on safari in Tanzania last October. She just went to sleep after a few G & Ts and when her room boy went to wake her the following morning with a cup of Earl Grey, discovered that she was out cold, so to speak. She was buried without too much fuss or attention beneath a flame tree in her cousin's garden out in the bush.
Since her departure, it has fallen to me to sort through her belongings, look after dog, and pass on any items to local museums etc I have also decided to write up here, on her blog, entries from her vast collection of journals meticulously written & kept up to date during her long life time.
I am so sorry to read this. It seems like many of my favorite blog authors are passing. I enjoyed your aunt's writing VERY much. Thanks for sharing the news and reassuring us that she did not have a long and painful departure.
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